2025 Meetings (In Person & Online)
*For links to previous meetings scroll to meeting date for link to recording.
AIA First Pitch Meeting
Monday, February 3, 2025 / 6:00pm - 8:00pm
*Mandatory meeting for ALL AIA Baseball Officials
*Moon Valley High School / 3625 W Cactus Rd, Phoenix
*East Tucson Baptist Church / 9100 E Speedway Blvd
OR Onlne via webinar"
We will have a uniform vendor at the event for those who need equipment or uniforms. Any questions about how to attend the meeting either in person or online can be directed to jake@azboa.org
Please understand that this is a mandatory training event and attendance will be taken (in person and online). Thanks.
**This meeting will be recorded live.
Varsity Online Meetings
*These meetings are designed for the Varsity level 1 & 2 Officials. All AIA Officials are welcome to attend.
Sub Varsity Classroom Meetings
*These meetings are for the 1st and 2nd year Baseball Official
New & Transfer Meeting
*All new or transfer AIA Officials are encouraged to attned this meeting