Arizona Baseball Officials Association


2025 Meetings (In Person & Online)

*For links to previous meetings scroll to meeting date for link to recording.


AIA First Pitch Meeting

Monday, February 3, 2025 / 6:00pm - 8:00pm

*Mandatory meeting for ALL AIA Baseball Officials

*Moon Valley High School / 3625 W Cactus Rd, Phoenix


*East Tucson Baptist Church / 9100 E Speedway Blvd

OR Onlne via webinar"

We will have a uniform vendor at the event for those who need equipment or uniforms. Any questions about how to attend the meeting either in person or online can be directed to

Please understand that this is a mandatory training event and attendance will be taken (in person and online).  Thanks.

**This meeting will be recorded live.

Varsity Online Meetings

*These meetings are designed for the Varsity level 1 & 2 Officials. All AIA Officials are welcome to attend.

Sub Varsity Classroom Meetings

*These meetings are for the 1st and 2nd year Baseball Official


New & Transfer Meeting

*All new or transfer AIA Officials are encouraged to attned this meeting